Know About Trench Mouth and How You Can Prevent it With Treatment at Donvale Dentist Clinic


Holistic Dental Donvale clinic specialists in general dentistry, sedation dentistry, children's dentistry, prosthetics, and cosmetic dentistry but, above all, emphasizes holistic practices to ensure better gum health.

The term trench mouth traces its origins to World War I when soldiers developed an infection in the gums. Trench mouth is medically known as acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis. It is rare but it is certainly not something to be ignored. It is entirely preventable since there is easy access to dentist services such as Donvale Dentist in Melbourne.

What causes trench mouth

Most people are likely to ignore gingivitis since the symptoms are not that painful. There is mild inflammation and bleeding when you brush your teeth. However, neglect of gingivitis coupled with poor oral health can cause bacterial build-up that then results in trench mouth. There is more pain and bleeding. It is likely to happen to smokers and those with a compromised immune system. Poor nutrition and stress may also aggravate gingivitis into trench mouth condition. If your gums feel unusually sore and bleed more then it is time to get to the friendly Donvale dentist without wasting time.

Common symptoms

1.  When you brush your mouth your gums bleed.
2. You may experience the foul taste and foul breath.
3. Trench mouth can cause fever and fatigue.
4. There may be craterlike ulcers present in your mouth.

These symptoms point to the fact that infection may have penetrated deeper and the condition requires careful diagnosis and treatment that you can undergo at Donvale dentist.

Effect of trench mouth

Bad breath is just one effect but there are other effects too. Your teeth may be affected and may have to be pulled out. You will have trouble swallowing. That you feel pain is one thing but the fact that it can damage bone and teeth is far more serious.


A visual examination may clue in your dentist on the extent of infection. An X-ray may be carried out to know if an infection has spread to bone and teeth. Diagnosis, however, is not confined to the gums and teeth. Since weakened immunity is likely to be a cause, your holistic Donvale dentist will also check your overall health condition and may recommend other tests.

Treating trench mouth

The important thing is to consult your dentist and follow the guidance. Your dentist is likely to clean your teeth first and then proceed with treatment with antibiotics to prevent further spread of infection. Once this is done you have to be careful about what you eat. It is best to keep away from hot foods and spicy foods. Allow gums to heal. Meanwhile, brush with care and be sure to use hydrogen peroxide mouthwash to remove dead tissue. Saltwater rinses will help to reduce inflammation and also to kill bacteria. Your dentist may recommend regular visits to keep a watch on how the healing progresses.

Trench mouth, fortunately, is rare since it can happen only due to severe neglect or highly compromised immune system. Still, it is good to know about this condition as a way of knowing the importance of gum care and regular checkups at Holistic Donvale dentist clinic.

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